Pro Audio Equipment Modification

Pro Audio Equipment Modification

Pro Audio Equipment Modification


Sometimes you need a piece of gear to work a little differently than it was intended to work.  World Pro Audio can help. Some things we've done:

  • Console monitor section tied in to stereo bus via pushbutton
  • Phantom power retrofit
  • Monitor fader feeds multitrack busses in mixdown mode
  • Solo in place added to afl solo only console
  • Fader automation retrofit
  • Discrete Outputs added to vintage mixers
  • Summing bus upgrades
  • Sonic improvement



Below are examples of Pro Audio Modifications that have been done over the years at World Pro Audio:

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Akai M7 mod also Roberts M8 mod

Akai M7 mod  also Roberts M8 mod:This mod turns an unusable Akai or Roberts vacuum tube tape recorder electronics channel into a damn good mic pre, in the way of the best mutt ever .   While it’s not a pampered pedigree, when well modified, it’s one that you will be happy to own and probably never sell.   It’s hard to describe mic pre character with written word, but one thing is easy enough to be said of this mic pre, namely it is warm and big sounding and makes voice and instruments more audible in the mix without having to be louder or brightened.  The Dra..


Altec 1567 Mod

Altec 1567 Mod: This Mod came about at the request of some customers who noted the fantastic sonic characteristics of the Altec 1567 Mixer due to good sounding tubed mic pres, but found some significant drawbacks that prevented the  practical use of the unit in music production. The Drawbacks  :The EQ, when not needed, still added noticable hiss to the output.   This unit has a mono output, and it’s unusual to be summing 4 mics in modern music production. Most Altec 1567 owners are only using the unit for amplification of one, or at most two mics.  Yet s..


Altec 1567A Completer Mod

Altec 1567A Mic Pre Mixer Mod: The Altec 1567A…. This Mod came about from customer’s requests to have a more complete set of mic pre controls added on to the 1567A to overcome limitations to actual practical use in music and sound recording. The Drawbacks  :All 5 channels mix into to the one output, limiting usefullness in multitrack recording situations. There are no Direct Outs for each input channel. No input pad  No phase reverse No phantom power No Mute switch The Solution :A chassis extension is added underneat..


Altec 1591A Mod

Altec 1591A Mod:This Mod came about at the request of some customers who favored the fantastic sonic characteristics of the Altec 1591 Compressor, but found the excessive gain of the input stage to be a significant drawback in that it severely over-compressed normal level signals.The Drawbacks  :  To avoid over-compression the input level controls are set so low that fine control of level becomes difficult.  With the input levels set so low the output signal is just too noisy. The release times are too longThe Solution :A switch is added on the rear of the f..


Altec 436C Mod

Altec 436C Mod:This Mod came about at the request of some customers who favored the fantastic sonic characteristics of the Altec 436C Compressor, but found the excessive gain of the input stage to be a significant drawback in that it severely over-compressed normal level signals.The Drawbacks  :  To avoid over-compression the input level control must be set so low that fine control of level becomes difficult.  Because input gain is so high and compression ratio is only 2 to 4 the output level can be quite high and thus compromises downstream headroom. Release Tim..


Ampex 350 Mod

Ampex 350 Mic Pre Optimizaton Mod: This mod turns a somewhat unusable Ampex 350 electronics channel into one of the most impressive mic pres ever!  Capitalizing on a fantastic design by the brilliant Ampex engineers this mod eliminates drawbacks to practical use in the recording of music while preserving and even teasing out a bit more of the inherent impressive sound.  The result is totally usable hot neon like sound that is unmatched by  other mic pres, a close second perhaps being the Neumann V76.  This modified mic pre has all-around utility:  it is thunderously punchy, has a w..


Ampex 351 Mod

Ampex 351 Mic Pre Optimizaton Mod: This mod turns a somewhat unusable Ampex 351 electronics channel into a truly impressive mic pre!  Capitalizing on a fantastic design by the brilliant Ampex engineers this mod eliminates drawbacks to practical use in the recording of music while preserving and even teasing out a bit more of the inherent impressive sound.  The result is totally usable totally pro sound that is unmatched by most mic pres.  This modified mic pre has all-around utility:  it is  punchy, has a warm, even hot midrange, and the highs are silky and shimmery.  This is not a..


Ampex 601 602 mod

Ampex 601 or 602 Mic Pre Optimizaton Mod: This mod turns a somewhat unusable Ampex 601 electronics channel into a damn good mic pre, in the way of a oddly well working old car that has some bonafide character.   While it’s not the Everest of Mic Pres, when well modified, it’s one that you will be happy to own and probably never sell.   It’s hard to describe mic pre character with written word, but one thing is easy enough to be said of this mic pre, namely it is warm sounding and there’s nothing thin about it.    ‘The Drawbacks  :M..


Ampex AM10 Mod

Ampex AM-10 Mic Pre Mixer Mod: The Ampex AM-10  is a fine little mixer from the early/mid transistor era.  The circuitry is very basic Class A resulting in an overall smooth, clean sound.  The microphone input transformer is interesting in that it is very small...sometimes referred to as a “thumb” transformer.  Usually a small transformer lacks low end response, as theory says it will saturate easily and thus attenuate peaks of low frequency signal.   Somehow the  thumb transformer in the AM-10 is able to pass low frequencies with minimal saturation. The saturation or loss of low freq..


Ampex MX10, MX35 Mod

Ampex MX-10, MX-35 Mic Pre Mixer ModThe Ampex MX-10 and MX-35  are fine little mixers from the late tube era.  The circuitry is straight forward Class A (as are most tube circuits) resulting in an overall smooth, clean sound.  The microphone input transformer is interesting in that it is very small...sometimes referred to as a “thumb” transformer.  Usually a small transformer lacks low end response, as theory says it will saturate easily and thus attenuate peaks of low frequency signal.   Somehow the  thumb transformer in the MX-10 / MX-35 is able to pass low freq..


API Mic Pre 500 series from 312 card

API Mic Pre 500 series from 312 card  An API 312 card can be mounted into a 500 series size module chassis and outfitted with necessary controls to be a fully functional professional mic pre. This Mod came about from customer’s requests to make something useful from 312 cards they had sitting on a back shelf collecting dust.The Drawbacks  :Not much you can do with a 312 as is, except keep as a spare for your API console.The Solution :Mount the 312 card into a sub chassis so it can plug into a 500 series rack. Include the following controls: ..


API Mic Pre 500 series from 325 card

API Mic Pre 500 series from 325 card  An API 325 card can be mounted into a 500 series size module chassis and outfitted with necessary controls to be a fully functional professional mic pre. This Mod came about from customer’s requests to make something useful from 325 cards they had sitting on a back shelf collecting dust.The Drawbacks  :Not much you can do with a 325 card as is, except keep as a spare for your API console.The Solution :Mount the 325 card into a sub chassis so it can plug into a 500 series rack and add a mic transformer.  &n..
