WPA Brown Stuff

WPA Brown Stuff
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Brown Stuff Contact Cleaner

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  • Use to renew dirty, scratchy and intermittant pots, switches, connectors, tube pins and sockets
  • BROWN STUFF: this is an electronic contact polish, more or less, the purpose of which is to polish away oxidation (contact rust), and other stuff that reaches the contact via the air such as tobacco smoke, in fact any smoke even smoke from fire, and smog.  It removes the oxidation, smoke or smog by cutting it away from the metal.  “Contact cleaners” that are merely a liquid can at best clean some smog and dust.  After cleaning switches and other electrical contacts with the typical “contact cleaner” the contact may seem clean for a few days or weeks, but if the problem was oxidation it will return fairly soon as oxidation, being rest, grows…as they say “rest never sleeps”
  • Contact cleaners that are oily have that oil to protect the contact from air to prevent re-oxidation.  That can work fairly well but WPA CLEAR STUFF is far superior in preventing re-oxidation.
  • For BROWN STUFF to work, that is to polish away oxidation and stubborn dirt you have to “polish”.   In the photos one can see the use a dremel tool with felt buffer on very low speed.  One can also accomplish the “polish” action by operating the switch or pot back and forth many times (exercising), about 20 times, so contacts polish each other.  That works really well.  Tube pins and sockets can be cleaned together this way….just add BROWN STUFF in the tube sockets  and insert-remove-re-insert 10 or 20 times.
  • When polish is complete rinse with a few spritzes of Quick Dry Electrical Contact Cleaner (CRC brand part# 05103) caution: flammable  QD Electronic Contact Cleaner is an automotive product and can be found at Auto Zone, Pep Boys, Home Depot or amazon).  It’s just a physical rinse….doesn’t chemically remove much of anything except smog.  After spritz of QD Electronic Cleaner I operate switch contacts  another 10 or 20 times , then spritz again the purpose of the second spritz being to rinse out all or most of the WPA BROWN STUFF.   (Believe it or not, you can leave BROWN STUFF in the switch and pay no penalty…it just keeps cleaning every time the switch is operated).  Rinsing out all or most of the WPA BROWN STUFF is done to make things all clean for application of WPA CLEAR STUFF to act as a contact preserver/anti-oxidant.  Compressed air is very handy at this stage of cleaning.
  • After cleaning switch contacts, pots, faders, tube pins and socket, etc with BROWN STUFF followed by CLEAR STUFF the switch, pot etc will likely remain clean and smooth forever.  If dirty sound returns you can try a second clean.  In most cases when dirty sound returns that’s the sign that the switch, pot, etc needs to be replaced.
  • Btw, BROWN STUFF is non-toxic.
  • When using CRC-QD Electronic Cleaner (or any solvent based cleacer) assure good ventilation.
  • Wipe any mess from above procedures with paper towel/rag wetted with common surface cleaner, like ammonia in water (for instance, Windex) or 99% isoporopyl alcohol.
  • 1 ounce  (used judiciously lasts a long time)
  • Brand: WPA
  • Product Code: WPA-CHE-Brown-Stuff-01
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $12.50 ea

Tags: repair, refurb,