AN502 - WPA Super Test Jig

02/12/2016 0 Comment(s) Pro Audio Repair and Testing,Tech Notes,

WPA Super Test Jig



The World Pro Audio Super Test Jig is an audio repair dream come true!  It’s a WPA exclusive and makes triage, troubleshooting, repair and validation move at warp speed.

Audio can can be quickly plugged in to the XLR connectors and with the turn of knobs sent to one or all test equipment.




  1. 2 channel, dual mono construction with low crosstalk between channels
  2. Switchable balanced or unbalanced inputs and outputs
  3. Switchable 600 ohm load
  4. Switchable sheild lift
  5. Switchable pads
  6. Source can be Oscillator, Micrphone, computer DtoA music, computer analysis software, microphone
  7. Destination can be any one or all of :oscilloscope, digital multimeter,  AtoD for recording, computer analysis software, speakers.
  8. In addition to the XLR inputs there are 4 probe inputs (2 per channel).  
  9. Source vs return switching
  10. Phase reverse switching
  11. Speaker volume and mute
  12. Speaker Left to Right swapping


Built from insights gained from years of pro audio repair :

The above features allow for testing of single channel and dual channel (stereo) equipment as well as two single channel equipment at one time.  Quick switching to any or all of the test equipment allows for easy input vs output comparisons as well as left to right .   Comparison of stereo and dual mono equipment can be switched to the same speaker to avoid coloration misjudgement to speaker differences.  Frequency response, clipping points and noise level can be quickly measured and graphed as needed.  


Gone are the days of patching and repatching test equipment, testing in mono only or skipping some tests due to hassle.  WPA Super Test Jig makes the toubleshooting and repair easier and faster for the technician while assuring thoroughness of repair for the pro customer.  This is a win-win situation!


Tags: Test